We are pleased to announce that on April 9, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) fully reaccredited the Lundquist College of Business through 2017. With only 649 institutions out of 12,600 holding the recognition, this puts us in the top 5 percent of business schools worldwide--no mean feat in itself. Making the achievement even sweeter is that, because our accounting and business programs are both accredited, we belong to a tiny elite of 178 programs--that's 1.4 percent of the world's business schools--that have attained this distinction. The accomplishment is due in no small part to the hard work of faculty and administrators, who met two sets of standards, documented two parallel assurance of learning processes, and hosted two separate visitation teams. For more information about the college's accreditation--and an overview of our accounting department's many strengths--we invite you to read this April's Inner Circle message from Dean de Kluyver.